Brush Leaf Guard Expert Testimonial - New York Times

Expert Testimonial About GutterBrush Leaf Guards.


“After hearing the Gutterbrush gutter guard described on the Gary Sullivan program, I purchased the product  in 2006. I have a house built in 1928, and none of the other gutter products fit my gutters well.  We’ve had seven years of real satisfaction with the product, having our contractor shake them out periodically.  I was pleased to hear that Gary Sullivan was continuing to promote them as a top product.  So, it was with surprise this year that I noticed a few little trees growing out of the brushes.  When my contractor came to shake them out this year, he found that the bristles had separated a bit in some areas after so many years and were no longer usable.  He and I discussed other options, but rather than starting over with a new product, I decided to call and let them know about the issue and order a new set.  Imagine my delighted surprise when I spoke with Randy Schreiber:  he asked to speak with the contractor to learn what the problem appeared to be, and then voluntarily offered to replace the brushes for me, at no cost.  So, now, not only am I still impressed by the product, I am really impressed by the commitment of the company to stand behind their product, even after all these years!  It is without reservation that I recommend both the product and the customer service.  I have shared this great experience with many friends and family and wanted to post it online as well.”

Bette W. - Harrisburg, PA



Message: I am one who never spontaneously sends in a testimonial, but I decided to do it here, after receiving this Fall Email.  My home has been protected by GutterBrush for three years, and it may be four come to think of it. NEVER, and I mean never, have my gutters clogged since installing this simple and affordable system.  I actually check once a year and, true to it's word, no leaves.  My house is surrounded by very tall trees and in the fall, they are everywhere on the ground.  Not up in my gutters!  The good news is that for a small amount of money compared to other systems and a short and simple installation, it has been a miracle!  I never worry about my gutters, indeed I forget them and GutterBrush.  Not good for you but great for me.  Keep it up; you have an excellent solution compared to the competition!

Robert Woodward - Boyds, MD


I bought gutter brushes over a year ago.  I am a single woman and I installed them myself in about 45 minutes.  I live in a wooded area and an abundance of pine needles caused me to get on the ladder and clean my gutters out about 5 times a year!  I haven't cleaned them since I installed the Gutter Brushes and my downspouts flow like a waterfall!  They have also stayed in place during some pretty fierce windstorms.  I have recommended them to all my friends and neighbors.  The entire system cost me under $400.00.  Thank you GutterBrush guys!  You ROCK!--

Angela Wright- Bonney Lake, WA

We just had a major snow & ice storm in West Virginia and I could not believe what I saw happen in my gutters!  I have GutterBrush installed in the front of my home and gutter covers on the back.  After the storm I had icicles hanging down to the ground in the back where the gutter covers were installed, but on the front of my house there were NO icicles at all!  Most of my neighbors had major gutter & ice problems as well and several have asked me why they did not see any icicles hanging off the front of my house?  I told them... GutterBrush!  I just ordered 120 ft. to complete the back of my house and do my parents house.  I will be pulling the covers off as soon as the ice melts.  Thank You!

Stuchell - Reedsville, WV


Well I've had GutterBrush in my gutters for one fall and winter and I can honestly say it was the best investment I've ever made. My downspouts never clogged and there was no ice buildup as in previous winters. Thanks to Gary Sullivan for advertising it on his website or I might not have ever seen it. I recommended it to my daughter for her gutters and she just ordered it.

Thanks again,Richard Shepardson - Syracuse, NY


"The gutterbrushes are working well, as intended. I have squirrels clip the ends of a juniper tree and previously they had fallen and blocked the gutters. 

They can eat  all they want now."

Howard – Lafayette, LA


I completely forgot to send you my testimonial about Gutter Brush. I don’t know if this is any help but you guys deserve any compliments you can get.

“In Mount Airy, Philadelphia the Norway Maple is the pervasive species of tree. They tower above our home dropping leaves and clogging our gutters until Thanksgiving!

The Gutter Brush has been an incredible help in keeping my gutters clear and, more importantly, has kept me off of our steep Victorian roof.”

Ephraim Russell


I LOVE my gutterbrush!  Usually come winter, my front walkway gets nicknamed "the death walk" because my gutter over the front porch is the one that gets clogged and then floods and freezes and doesn't drain right and happens to dump the water on the very spot you have to walk over to get to the front door--then it freezes and is not so pretty!  So far this death walk!!  :-) Thanks!

Becky Vanderpol - Cleveland, OH


" I can’t tell you how much I despise my old gutter cover system!!! The salesman forced my husband and I to sit through a 3 hour sales pitch! … We had much better things to do…. Then came the shocking price tag of over $3000 which we unfortunately paid!!! Within 1 year, our gutters had a bees nest and experienced overflow during any significant rain storm. We have since moved out of that home and never got to take advantage of whatever guarantee they claimed. Your product makes so much more sense and at a fraction of the price! I know I have made a good decision with GutterBrush and I hope to eventually lose the buyers remorse from my previous mistake. Best of luck to you marketing this great product."

Nancy Austin – Red Bank, NJ  


"I just wanted to send a quick note as a thank you and testament to your product. My husband is blind, and he prides himself by not allowing that to stop him from much in life. Twice a year, he would climb the ladder and clean out our gutters. These days have always scared me to death! A neighbor told me about GutterBrush and suggested that it could relieve Michael from this dangerous job of gutter cleaning. I purchased the product and described the simple installation process since he insisted on trying to install them himself. I am happy to say that the installation went off without a hitch! We are both very pleased with the performance and even more excited about not climbing around on a ladder anymore! Thank You!"

Joanne Whitestone – Rockport, MA


I bought your product two years ago.  We live in the middle of a wooded area.  I was so tired of cleaning the gutters every year even with all the products we had tried.  I saw you on T.V.  and  got you right  away. It took half an hour to install and we have never looked back.  I have told everyone about them. Thank you! 

Johanne Giampietro


"Got my GutterBrush just in time as you can see from the pics of the maple seeds caught near the top of the brush. Rained all day yesterday and water is still flowing through the gutters and downspouts. Thanks for a good product at a reasonable price. I hope to sell a few feet of it to my neighbors when I see them o n their ladders cleaning their gutters." 

Mike Cooper - Murfreesboro, TN


"First of all, thank you for offering a product that has provided a value to me that surpasses the price I paid. We've gone around and around with clogged gutters for 20 years in our home. Several large trees in our backyard contribute to a constant barrage of debris with a huge oak right next to the house being the most egregious offender."


"Back in late August, I felt I was taking a chance buying enough brush material to do the 70 feet of gutter o n the back of our house, but after getting through this fall with the brushes up there I am more than pleased with their effectiveness. Granted, some leaves and debris get caught in them initially (though they cause no problems whatsoever), but I've found that most of the leaves falling on the roof settle on top of the brushes and blow away on the next windy day."


"Since I installed the brushes there has been no need to get up o n the roof to clear my gutters, which is a big change from the weekly trips I've had to make through the many fall seasons prior to installing your product."


"I am eager to tell anyone and everyone I know who has a similar problem about your brushes."

Don Householder - Minneapolis, MN


"The GutterBrush was very easy to install o n my second story. I just went to the end of the gutter, took a broom handle and pushed them along. I only had to go to each end of the gutter to get them all in place. I can't wait to see them in action this Fall!" 

Mitch Carnie - Elk Grove, CA


"Being a bit skeptical, I ordered 30 feet of GutterBrush to test. During a major storm which dropped over 3.7 inches of rain, I observed that my gutters clogged and overflowed except for the section where I had installed GutterBrush. I was so impressed that I immediately ordered a full box to finish off the rest of my gutters." 

Ted Williams - Grantsburg, WI


"Just wanted to say that I installed The GutterBrush and have been very pleased with the results. The large trees in my yard had my gutters constantly stuffed and, during heavy rains, overflowing. The overflow spilled onto the screens making them opaque. Now there is a clear view no matter how hard it rains and the flow from downspouts is gratifying."

Vic Windle - Cooper City, FL


Last fall I purchased and installed your gutterbrushes for all my gutters.   They work great!  After so many years, it's such a relief not to have to clean the gutters every weekend in the fall especially when the heavy rains start.  Not only that, I know when the leaves are falling along with the rain, my gutters will continue to drain.  I have never had a clogged gutter after installing the gutterbrush.   This product is one the of best investments I made for my home.


Last fall I had reservations about keeping the brushes in the gutters over a Chicago winter, however, after speaking to maybe yourself or someone else in your office who told me there should be no problems leaving them there, I decided to leave them in the gutters and found I had no ice dams or other issues.  A couple of weeks ago, I took each of the brushes out after being installed for just about a year, shook them clean, wiped the inside of the gutters clean (there was gunk and as usual, pockets of roof granules) and then replaced the brushes.  This took a fair amount of time, however, compared to cleaning the gutters weekly during the spring and fall, it was time well spent. In the future, I plan to clean them only once in the spring and in the fall - such a deal!


Thanks Gutterbrush!  Please keep me on your mailing list.


Best Regards,



“GutterBrush installation was exceptionally easy and certainly much cheaper than some sort of gutter covering!  I studied all the alternatives closely for a year or more and finally settled on your product due to the reasons stated above.  It seems to me that no matter how much a gutter cover salesman tells you about “never having to clean gutters again”  eventually those covers may have to come off, the gutters cleaned and then the covers would have to be reinstalled.  What a PAIN!  At least with GutterBrush, you’d only have to lift the brush, clean underneath and replace the brush.  Thanks.”

Jack Bell - Sr. Engineer - Virginia


We had a contractor install some very expensive (almost $10/foot) gutter screens earlier this year. We also had installed some of your 6" GutterBrushes in part of the gutters. When 100+ mph winds hit us earlier this month, your gutter brushes were the only ones left in the gutters. Great product.

Thank you. Leon Lindbloom - Richland, WA

“This really works. There are a lot of trees around the house, including

firs, maples, and cedars. Keeping the roof draining was a real problem. The Gutterbrush was easy and simple to install and clean. Part of the roof is membrane and by placing the short pieces over the downspouts it has greatly helped to prevent overflow and cleaning.

Good Going guys.”