Fit My Leaf Guard, What Type of Gutter Do I Have

Gutter leaf guard for K gutters

Video Title:  What is a K-Style Gutter

Description:  The most common style gutter is the K-style gutter or seamless gutter.  This video shows the k-style gutter and explains some of the characteristics as well as how to measure the k-style gutter.

How To Measure Your Gutters For Gutter Guards - Click Here

Transcription: Hi my name's Alex with GutterBrush here to show you the most common style gutter which is the K style gutter. It's called the K-style  gutter also referred to as a seamless or an Ogee gutter. The pretty curve on the front is a reverse curve. It curves one way and then back the other way (other direction) like a crown molding.   That's the K-Style gutter. Gutter brush is designed perfectly for the K-Style gutter. If you're not sure what size K style gutter you have, most of them are 5 inch some of them are six inch; very rare is a four inch.  You simply measure across the top from the fascia to the outermost tip of the gutter, to determine what size gutter you have; and match it to the right size Gutter Brush.  Thanks so much, that's the K Style gutter